Saturday, March 14, 2020
Doors open at 6:45pm. Performance starts at 7:30pm.
Celtic Harvest was formed twenty-three years ago when musical friends met at a Delaware Friends of Folk pick-in and learned that they had a mutual love of Irish and Scottish music. From that lucky day until now, they have been the keepers of the flame of Celtic music in Delaware. Celtic Harvest is Kathy Doyle (piano, ukulele, and vocals), Bob Frazier (guitar and vocals), Jan Crumpley (concertina, flute, whistle), Jim McGiffin (bass, banjo, silly songs) and Mike Nielsen (harp, bouzouki, not-silly-at-all songs). It will be like a good Saturday night at the pub, minus the Sunday morning hangover!
Tickets are $20 general admission, $16 SOH members, senior citizens (65+), military, $10 children 12 and under.
SMYRNA Opera House: